Friday, 7 May 2010
Features of my magazine
I personally really like my masthead, because it is exactly what i imagined it to look like. It is very cosy and directly represents my target audiences thoughts, as thought they are saying i love r'n'b. I think it is very original although the heart image is common. I also included soem emastheads that i was inspired from on my presentation.
It was hard to come up with a tagline, because it had to be too the point and precise. Therfeor i researched into frotn covers of music magazines and most were about the whole thought of loving msuic and living it. So in the end i came up with 'LOVE MUSIC LOVE R'N'B', which met its purpose and more importantly appeals to the target audience, notably it could be considered a unique selling point.
I researched into proffesional images and also included that on ym presenation slide. It was really important for me to research into photos and images on covers of magazines, in order for me to decide the kin dof image i was looking at taking. Nonetheless fro my front cover image i came up with a dubious look, which gave the magazine a rebellious. Nonetheless this is a way in which i believe i attracted my target audience because young people are rebellious and would be impressed because for them it would be as though seeing themselves published, this is also another USP.
How well the assignment went overall
Overall i personally believe that the ceration of my magazine went very well although i had technical issues at times like losing my screenshots which caused lots of issues with catching up with the erst of the people that were already finishing off. The preliminary assignment i think played a great role in the making of my main assignment magazine becasue it helped me learn how the photoshop and indesign were being used, which was really important in order to come out with a good quality magazine. Furthermore the prelimianry assignment helped me with managing time beacause not ebing focused and not doing things properly when they had to be done meant that the whole magazine would be a failure and as a result not pass, however it also showd me how much eahc task would take therefore i was quite organised with the main assignment.
The quality of my main assignment was very good in comparison to the preliminary, because knowing how to use thing i advance means that you know what your are doing and that mistakes are unlikely. Therefore knowing how to use the software helped me edit photos to a good standard and meet my aim as to how i wanted the image(s) to look. Any problems that i came across were overcome easily, for example i had a problem witht he edited image on my double page spread, when i was trying to get a white shadow the trouser of the model was also coloured in white, however knowing how to use photoshop made it easy for me to overcome the problem, all i did was cut out from the original image and place it on the veryfirst layer of the image beign edited, therefore shows that lesson is learnt.
Attracting my target audience
I looked at other magazines and tried to identify how they attarcted their target audience for exmaple VIBE, how they attracted their r'n'b audience and how i attracted mine. For example similiar conventions were starplines and image. my image was not edited and so was VIBE'S front cover hardly edited. Which was a good thing because it showed that thats how they attracted their target audience- looking very original.
Representing particular social groups
My media product is designed in a similiar way to other magazines of its kind such as EBONY and VIBE- The people that are interested in r'n'b.
My magazine represents people thaat are interested in r'n'b, that are inbetween the age of 16 and 25. Which is the typical mass/popular culture that is made up of people that love going to raves and dancing to r'n'b music. However i have a good unique selling point or even a good source to advertise therefore people that own raves would be interested in advertisisng any events in my magazine so it does nto just represent the typical popular culture of dancers and music lovers but also people but also business owners. Another way that i represent the particular popular culture r'n'b listeners social groups is the images as shown in my mood board on my evaulation slides, which inspired me to put similar taglines etc. which attracts my social group very much for representing them.
The assessment feedback sheet was very useful for me to improve my magazine further. I almost altered the whole structure of the magazine, for example ic hanegd the font sizes on my double page spread and converted the whole front cover in to a new look however the reason for changing the whole front cover was feeback from peers rather my subject teacher, because they too gave me feedback and said that the front cover was not at all appealaing and neglecting male peers as a target audience.
On the assesment sheet, there was a 'medal', which was what ahd been done well and a 'mission', which was what could be improved. However my succes was that i had managed to hand in a magazine despite technical issues that i encountered. My mission was to change my front cover , to reduce font size adn make it bulge it so that it looked eye-catching.
Research in to specific magazines
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Feedback from Questionnaire
- who has it been created for?
- what kind of magazine is being promoted?
- what does the frotn cover tell you about the contents of the magazine?
- how attarctive is the frotn cover?
- is there a wide enough contents listing?
- is the feature article interesting?
- do the images and text in the feature article fit?
- how attractive is the magazine as a whole?
- does it meet the conventions of a music magazine?
- would you pick up the magazine and read it if you found it on the train?
- would you buy it?
I asked my peers for feedback on the magazine using the above questions. I thought it was the best kind of feedback i could have received because they have the same perspective as me, however different taste therefore different opinions and better chances of ending up with a successful magazine.
Feedback of my magazine showed that they would pick up the magazine and even possibly buy it which shows that my magazine was a success overall. Furthermore the people that assessed the magazine with the questionnaire recognised what the magazine was created for, the intended target audience and the genre.
All of my interviewees said that there was a wide enough variety in the contents page and that most conventions were met noting that there was nothing necessary to add. Some of my interviewees verbally said that my contents listing was 'excellent'. The questionnaire further showed that the images, photographs and text fit perfectly to the rest of my magazine as a whole and that they were very interesting which is another point where my magazine met the typical conventions of a magazine.
Overall, my magazine is seen as a success in terms of creation; i recieved very positive feedback from most of the them, although on the rare where i asked people verbally wether the magazine was good i was told that it wasn't, however with the exception of my magazine not appealing to those particular people. Siginificantly i also recieved feedback that showed me my magazine was very eye-catching and mostly appealed to them in comparison the the draft version of my magazine; male peers said that the previous magazine did not appeal to them becasue of the colours especially becasue of the colours which were very girly, however now it is very appealing and is seen as a high standard magazine.
On the whole i believe my magazine, acquire the typical conventions fo a magazine that is aimed on the genre of R'n'B. Nonetheless i think that the conventions of my magazine is a way that i attracted my target audience. I think what i could improve with my feedback is asking more people and even adults above my target audience because then i could find out what they would have looked fro in a music magazine if it were for their age group.