Monday, 25 January 2010
According to my research on and knowledge on the conventions of a magazine, my media product hits many points. Firstly the images are edited like a real magazine though it is not as proffesional as real media companies as yet. Secondly the barcode and more importantly the logos make my media products very much like a real magazine; the logos were also edited.
On from that the target audience of my media product would be 16-19 year olds that are in Chelmsford College. The majority of their needs are met in this my magazine. My magazine attracts the target audience in many different ways. For example the images used on the front cover and contents page are clearly addressing the college students therfore they will understand and see easily that the magazine is aimed at them. Furthermore Because the images are students from the actual college, my audience further understands that the magzien is purely for them.
My magazine represents individuals from todays popular culture and youth culture social groups; that are the so-called 'fashionistas' regardless of being boys or girls and young people that have interest in music, cars, trends and parties etc. practically social groups that 'love' everything portrayed from mass media.
I have learnt many things in the process of constructing my media product. Firstly good use of Photoshop, which i had used before however had not been able to learn fully. Secodnly i was introduced to In Design, which surprised me with all its different editing ways. I learnt how to shoot proffesional photographs and the to edit them to my desired look.
I think i was very good with shooting photos in the making of this media product. However i would have to work a lot more on using In Design to be able to use it for all its goodness!
Eda Karaca
Thursday, 21 January 2010
This is the photograph that i took for my contents page. I used students on the go which portrays the busy life of students. I also considered race and ethnic issues in this picture, just like my front cover , however this time i used to students from black race and two from white.
This is the edited image for the contenst page, i edited it in photoshop. Although i used people from contarasting races, my actual aim was to make everyone appear the same, therefore put across a message that the succes criteria of life is not about being just black or white, but actually getting eduaction. Therefore this ultraviolet retro look meets my target.
This is my final front cover for my magazine. I put a barcode, which will create a realistic connotation of the magazine. I edited the image in photoshop to create a vintage look and edited the text and logo in indesign, which i made attractive by using loud colours to add a twist to the overall appearance. Furtermore the eye-catching colours creates a visual memory, therefore the magazine will be easy to remeber.