Friday, 5 February 2010

Denotation & Connotation

I analaysed two music magzines regarding their front cover and contents. I had to compare and contrast the differences and what their denotations, connotations and design layouts reflected about the magazine. I distinguished the reasons as to why a certain image or design was there. For example looking at typefaces, i learnt the differnce between serif and sans serif and why they were chosen specifically to be applied on to a certain part of the magazine. Furthermore, i learnt why certain colours were picked, what they meant and what was trying to be achieved. For example on the magazine classic rock there was a variety of colours chosen like purple, red, black and orange etc. once identifying the colours i was able to say that red for example was used to make the magazine front cover look eye-catching however most importantly to show that the magazine had an exciting contents. I also looked at the typical page layouts and alignments of texts of two magazines, how they differed and how i could apply what i saw and learnt to my magazine. Moving on i further learnt that a very busy background does not look very good as it does not allow things that you want to stand out look eye-catching. In spite of that i learnt that a busy background has an advantage of being well memorable for a person therefore they know what they are looking for when they want to buy it or in another sense the magazine is estblished in their heads.

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